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  • Writer's pictureTlalane Manciya

Book of April - "Unpacking the Emotional Impact of Minenhle Khumalo's 'Her Broken Pieces'"

Her Broken Pieces by Minenhle Khumalo

I read this book in one sitting (it wasn’t my plan), but I couldn’t stop turning the pages, chapter after chapter I got absorbed and deeply absorbed and hours later, I was on the last page….

This book broke me, shook me, shocked me, awed me, entertained me and did just about everything to my heart. I’m writing this review two days after finishing reading it but I’m still trying to get my breathing back to normal and haven’t even started on the next book on my reading list – because I’m still processing this one. I went in totally naive and blind, thinking it was one of those books, but I was so wrong - and I'm happy that it wasn't one of those books, it was a rare read.

This is a highly sensitive book with triggers right through until the end, it is not for sensitive readers because this book touches and focuses on the issues of human trafficking, sexual abuse, prostitution, physical abuse, rape, substance abuse, alcoholism, miscarriages and a whole lot of other sensitive issues we are facing in our society - but in the midst of all that, the author has managed to put in a super beautiful love story, which blew me away (because I’m a pathetic romantic at heart!)  and it is the kind of a love story that gives hope and had me smiling (like the pathetic romantic that I am).

What is the book about?

This book mainly focuses on Minenhle, a young woman who must find a way of integrating back into society after escaping her captor after five years of torture, sexual abuse as well as prostitution, memories of all the things that happened to her when she was in captive haunt her so bad, she finds it impossible to move on, regardless of having her fiancé and her parents there doing their best to help her. She finds her own way of coping by turning to illegal substances and alcohol in order to try and deal with the pain of the previous five years.

Speaking of her fiancé, this is also the part of the story that gets interesting, before Minenhle was taken, she was engaged to a good (rich) man, who did everything in his power to look for her after her disappearance, but after five years he KIND OF moved on, but not really and that is why I recommend this story, it will blow a readers mind with all the drama, the love the romance and everything in between.

So, what did I love about this book? Everything. From the beginning right up until the end, I loved the whole story and what it was about.  This story doesn’t hold back, love, lies, betrayals, second chances, and so forth are all in between the pages of this book. This book isn’t a fairy tale, far from it. It shows that evil exists in this world and bad things can happen to anybody, no matter where you are or who you are, but also the beauty of this book is that in the midst of all the evil, we have this beautiful gift called love that gives us hope, hope to heal and look forward to the next day and anticipate on the positivity of what the future holds.

The hopeless romantic in me read this book and deeply realised that love carried this story, it is a story filled with evil, but love persevered and in the end…… well the end is not an average ending, or something one would predict, it’s an end that one must read for themselves.

Readers can get this book on Amazon e-books or from your local library.

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