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  • Writer's pictureTlalane Manciya


Updated: May 2

I'm yet to tick more than half of my bucket list items here but I'm on my way! Come join me!

Hi, my name is Tlalane Manciya, welcome to my blog and to my long-awaited bucket list post. As promised, that I will be sharing my bucket list on my blog. My bucket list is always a work in progress. Like most of my goals, it’s unceasingly being updated and reworked on as life changes and our aspirations don’t stay the same and we are exposed to new things and challenges – Covid showed us that more than anything. I know the list is long and I might not be able to get to some of the things, but I personally believe anything is possible and if it’s there, it’s something for me to strive towards. Any goal listed is possible.

Most of us know what a bucket list is, but for those who still aren’t sure what it is, it is a list that is made up of several experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. The basic idea of making a bucket list is to keep track of goals and to take steps to achieve those goals.

Majority of people out there call it a bucket list, but I prefer to use a different term – I use the term, Life Goals, things I pray for and want to achieve while I’m still alive. A bucket list is not just a list of goals on paper, for me it’s so much more. It is a great way to give my goals a life – and work on them and achieve them. I’m also sharing what has been done. My list contains goals that I want to attain in different areas of my life.

I hope this encourages you to start working on your list, no matter how small, then build from there. I believe if we deeply reflect and look within, we all have goals and dreams and all it takes is and dedication to achieve them.

Creating a good Life Goals list is important, no matter how old you are. It helps a person decide what they want out of life and motivates them to achieve their dreams. When we have our goals written down, to refer to repeatedly, those dreams and goals become more concrete. Sometimes, when goals are not written down and easily accessible, we tend to forget about them and in turn we are not taking the initiative on working and achieving them.

Let me first share why I have a bucket list (Life goals)

· Life goals are a way to hold myself accountable for doing the things I say I’m going to do.

· Having goals gives me a form of direction and helps me grow and challenge myself, having something to strive for in life gives me purpose. Waking up every day knowing that I must work towards a goal is motivating.

· Goals make my life more exciting; they make me look forward to working on them and growing in the process, it’s an exciting journey, that always has surprises and I always learn from that.

· Having goals is a reminder that I don’t have forever in this earth, so I can’t afford to sit and not do something every day that pushes me closer to attain my goals, a reminder that I must do my best to live life to the fullest. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, so I must always work hard daily on achieving my goals and doing the best I can.

· The more I achieve my goals, the more pride and confidence I have in myself because I have pushed limits and proved to myself that I’m capable. Goals encourage me to step out of my comfort zone.

· Writing down my goals makes me sit and reflect on what I really want to experience in life, and most times goals are forever developing, just like our lives. Over the weeks, months, years and even in a couple of days our lives change, and so do goals, dreams, and aspirations. New ideas are always coming, and goals also change, and that introduces me to new things I’d like to achieve in life. In that way I always work on my list by updating it, adding more goals to my list if I must.

  • DONE


1. Visit the penguin colony (Boulder’s Beach)

2. Ride a horse on a beach

3. Shark Cage Diving

4. Watch the sunrise and sunset on the beach

5. Travel to Aquila Private game reserve

6. Build a huge sandcastle


7. Visit the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt

8. Visit the Cape Town Diamond Museum

9. Explore the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens

10. Go to the top of the world’s tallest building (Burj Khalifa – Dubai)

11. Visit Disney World - (Japan)

12. See Christ the Redeemer - (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil)

13. Vacation aboard a yacht in the Bahamas

14. Summit the Eiffel tower – (Paris)

15. Visit the Zeitz MOCCA - Museum of Contemporary Art Africa

16. Visit the South African Jewish Museum

17. Visit the Trinity College Library - Dublin


18. Become a motivational speaker.

19. Become a certified life purpose coach.

20. Write and publish inspirational/spiritual articles.

21. Have an article published in a magazine

22. Become a romance author.

23. Land a spot on a bestseller list!

24. Maintain Work-Life balance


26. Learn to use chopsticks

27. Taste Sushi

29. Tour Cape Town Cheese route


30. Watch a live ballet performance of Swan Lake

31. Attend an opera performance

32. Spend the night at the Silo Hotel & Brunch at the rooftop bar

33. Read the whole Black Dagger Brotherhood Series

34. Hop on hop off Cape Town Site seeing bus tour

35. Stellenbosch half day wine tour

36. Follow and watch a series - Vinland Saga anime Series

37. Ride in a limousine

38. Get a Henna Tattoo

39. Attend a Piano Concert


40. Put together a 1,000-piece puzzle

41. Make bead jewelry

42. Learn to play Chess

43. Learn a new foreign language and speak it fluently

44. Learn to play the Piano

45. Explore further Arts and crafts.

46. Book collection – Own 1000 books


47. Buy a house / apartment.

48. Buy a car

49. Save money for my bucket list trips.

50. Address students at my former high school

52. Open an animal sanctuary for abandoned cats and dogs

53. Write my maternal grandmother’s Autobiography.

54. Build a library for an orphanage.

55. Participate in a poetry slam

57. Publish a romance novel series

59. Be published in 10 anthologies (Currently published in 8)

60. Connect with past teacher/s


61. Quad biking – Atlantis Dunes

62. Take a hot air balloon ride.

63. Drape a snake around my neck

64. Helicopter tour – Atlantic Coast

65. Steam train to Elgin Railway Market

66. Ride the Cape Wheel @ the V & A Waterfront

67. Go skiing in Hokkaido - Japan


68. See Roman Reigns live on a WWE tour.

69. Play Golf at the King David Mowbray Golf Course

70. Take figure skating lesson

71. Watch Disney on Ice Show

72. Meet Cristiano Ronaldo and Tyler Perry


73. Do volunteer work

74. Donate money to animal organizations

75. Buy meals for homeless people.

76. Feed feral/stray cats & colonies

77. Knit scarfs for homeless people

78. Donate / Buy a cake for someone on their birthday every year


79. Watch 'The Chosen' series

80. Attend a silent retreat for a weekend

81. Practice Yoga

82. Finish reading the bible

83. Attend ICING Women’s event

84. Learn the basics of fasting for spiritual purposes


85. Do a photography course.

86. Wake up at 03h00 daily.

87. Meet one of my favorite authors and get a book autographed by her/him.

88. Journal things I'm grateful for everyday

89. Surround myself with inspiring people / Avoid toxic & negative people.

90. Read a new book every month

91. Write 3 things every day that I want to achieve and achieve them

92. Destroy the habit of procrastination


93. Have six pack abs

94. Be Fitter

95. Take a Zumba Class

97. Drink glass of water when I wake up

97. Go for walks weekly

98. Go on a health retreat

99. Get a full body massage

100. Walk 10,000 steps a day

“Set goals not for the outcome itself, but for who you get to become in the process.” – Jim Rohn

Join me as I make this bucket list happen! Follow my personal blog, where I share things that inspire me daily and some of my favorite things. I hope you find something interesting and inspirational.

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